What is the YMT score and what makes it higher or lower?

The YMT score represents the total votes for a potential couple. When a couple achieves a score of 20/20, they will become a match, get notified, and be able to start chatting through the app.

If the score for a potential match is currently 15/20 and you click the No button (the X icon), the score will decrease to 14/20. Conversely, if you click the Yes button (the heart icon), the score will increase to 16/20.

Every time one of the buttons is clicked, a point (i.e. a vote) is either added or subtracted from the total score. If the score is 0/20 and you click the No button, it remains 0/20.

The process continues until the majority of voters vote Yes and bring the score to 20/20, resulting in a match. True democracy in action!