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Find answers to commonly asked questions about the You Match Them (YMT) dating app.

I didn't receive a login code. What should I do?

Verify Your Email: Ensure you entered the correct email address without any typos. Check Spam/Junk Folder: The login code might have been filtered into your spam or junk folder. Wait a Moment: It can take up to a minute for the code to arrive. Please wait a bit longer. Restart the App: If you ...

Who can use the app?

Anyone over 18 can use the YMT app.If you're here to find a date, fantastic! Just finish setting up and activating your dating profile. Then, kick back and relax while others search for your perfect match. In the meantime, we highly recommend getting involved in matchmaking by playing our matchin...

How to change the order of the profile photos?

Simply press and hold a photo for two seconds to rearrange its order.

Where can I follow you on social media?

Stay connected with us on social media to get the latest updates, news and insights!Follow us on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youmatchthem Twitter: https://twitter.com/youmatchthem Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/youmatchthem TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@youmatchthem Join...

How to get matched?

Complete and activate your dating profile from your profile. Visit the match them game to help match potential couples within 15 seconds. Other members will help match you with a potential date. When your matching score reaches 20/20, you and your potential date will be notified and you can sta...

How to match others?

You don't need to be looking for a date to enjoy the fun of the YMT dating game. Anyone who is over 18 years old can help match other potential couples in the match them game.However, members with active dating profiles enjoy exclusive features and benefits.

Is the app free to use?

If you're not actively using a dating profile and simply want to play matchmaker, the app is always 100% free to use.Having an active dating profile grants you two complimentary matches and allows you to send up to 10 messages per chat, all free of charge. If you match with a subscriber, they'll ...

What are YMT Credits and YMT Boosts?

If you have activated your dating profile, you will start earning YMT Credits when you help match others. The more time you spend matching potential couples, the more YMT Credits you will earn.Think of the YMT Credits as a currency that you can use to purchase YMT Boosts with.If you don't have en...

What is the YMT score and what makes it higher or lower?

The YMT score represents the total votes for a potential couple. When a couple achieves a score of 20/20, they will become a match, get notified, and be able to start chatting through the app.If the score for a potential match is currently 15/20 and you click the No button (the X icon), the score...